New to BHE?

Welcome!  We are here to help.



The PTA Board is looking forward to an amazing 20223-2024 school year and we want to take this time to welcome you all to Belle Hall Elementary School. We are all so fortunate to be at such a wonderful school where the teachers and staff are focused on making learning fun while meeting the needs of each of the students.  


The PTA Welcome Committee is here to help! If you are new to BHE and have questions, please contact us at


Below are some helpful tips for getting off to a great start at BHE!




Belle Hall Elementary Uniform Policy



Belle Hall enforces a uniform policy year round.  


To order uniform items click on the 'Store' link at the top menu (or fill out the Fast Pass prior to the start of school).


  • All clothing must be solid red, white or navy blue. Bottoms may also be khaki or denim.

  • Shorts and skirts must reach down to fingertip length when the student is standing.

  • No halter tops or tops held up with straps. Shoulders should be covered.

  • All clothing must be appropriate. No oversize clothing, sagging pants or holes in clothing.

  • Any sweaters/sweatshirts/outerwear that will be worn in the classroom must be solid red, white or navy blue. No heavy coats to be worn in the classroom.

  • NO logos/graphics larger than the Belle Hall uniform shirt logo on any clothing item.

  • No hats or bandannas may be worn in the building.

  • All accessories should be kept to a minimum and must be appropriate and not a disruption or hazard.

  • All shoes must have a closed toe. Tennis shoes must be worn on PE days.